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Through the three different platforms; digipak cover, digipak advert and the music video I have developed many conventions of a Pop music video. 



One of the conventions that I developed in my music video was the pace of editing. Conventionally as the narrative tends to be a focal point in pop music videos the editing tends to be slower in order to give the audience a clear idea of the storyline being shown. In my music video I decided to keep the pace varied instead so that as the song built around the chorus the pace of editing got faster to increase the tempo but during the narrative elements the pace slowed in order to reflect the tempo of the song. 

One convention I decided to develop was that most pop music videos use of camera angles, many Pop music videos use the standard camera angles, this is done because to keep the focus on the main character. I decided to use the standard camera shots such as close ups, in order to portray the image of the artist. However I also decided to use more creative shots such as high angle and side shots, I used these shots so that there was a wider variety which would make the music video more interesting to watch therefore it be more effective at keeping the audience engaged.



















Another convention that I developed was the narrative, typically in music videos of this genre the narrative is the main focal point with smaller elements of performance throughout. This is done to set apart that particular music video as there are many music videos from the pop genre being released at similar times. I developed this convention by putting more of a focus on the performance elements rather than the narrative. I used a simple narrative showing the artists changing her personality and mindset as she grow bored of her previous one, I showed this through the use of mise-en-scene's props, location, costume and make up. I decided to put more of a focus on the performance elements as my survey from my original research showed audiences were interested in seeing the artist shown through performance shots. 

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